Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

342- CHAP. XX I I. molt neerly united together in onebo- dy ; fo in the bowels of loue and mercy, they are to tender each one his neigh- Lev. boar g as himfelfe. And, feeing all mecs z 8 ' . haue their h burden of Onnes and infr- h Pfal. ;g,4 unities upon them ; we are exhorted to i Cil 6,2, i beare one an others burden, and fo ful- fill the law ofChrift. Ifocraiçns then ofoffence be offred by miffpeaking, we fl-iouldremember , that he that finneth k 101.3,2. not in word,k is aperfed man, & in ma- ny things we fïnne all ; and that there fore we.take that which is fpoken,in the bedpart, beare harde words with meek- nes offpirit, nor rendring again cvill for 1 no. i5,z. evil, but with a 1 loft anfwer to put away wrath. Ifa&ions feeme offenfìue,or be- gin to breeds flrife ; loue will teach us, rri r Cor. 13, m not to be provoked to anger, but with 45. long fhffcrance to beare all things ; aud to fìeke by all gcntlenes to compound n PM. 20,3. the controverfie , for it is a sans n ho- nour to ceate from firife : therefore as Gods elegy, holy and beloved,wefhould o Colo, 3,I2 o forbeare and forgiue one another,euen P 3. ee r3,8, as Chrift forgaue us. Thus by loving 8C 9. gentle derneanure , P Abram flayed {trite betwçcue