CHAP. XXII. 343 betweene Lot and him q Gedeon, be- Iuudg. 8,r, twcene the Ephramites and him ; r Da- z,;. vid, between his foidiers : Mofes fought r IS4m. z7, to doe the like fbetweKic two Iiraclites; $' f I Sam' 9'3. ;o, and w- ought all in the loue ofChri{f to 21__34, labour thus to cive, for when offences arife , it Ihall be our glory , if we canpale them by , as t Salomon path fa.vd. t Pra.z9. it 3. But if the trcfpai e be filch , as we maynot but inf ifs. upon both for the ho- nour of God, who is olfendeciand foule of the firmer which is endangered, and our owne or neyohbours good, who are end,tnaged thereby: then are we bound to admonifh the trefpairer hereof, obier- ving two rules , i .Loving cariage,as be- con,eth brethren : 2. and fecrecie , to concelc the fault as much as we may.For the firtl,as all our th;ngs v mráríf be äo*e in v z Cox. z6, loue; fo when a man is fallen by ocrai on 14. into any fault , we arc willed to rcflore him K With the 1irit of rneekenes, cüi:dc r a Gal. ó,t. ingour fettles , lean weal o be telrptcd. For the feconcj, we are taught to debate y Prov.259 thematterWith our neighbour , and not to dfcorer the f cret to another ; but to z NW% xi, tell hirn his fault 7 bet weene tes and himz_. I5 Y 4 aticx.e