a Iam.5,zo. b Luke .; qbef.4,3z. e pro. I r, r3 d Pxov.i79 t6,z$. eMctt.I 8,16 f .2CoP.1hI Alartta.i8, z'. II 2 Cor. 2,6 i I COY. s ..}. X.vrr;élz. l-vaje j3. aìz vtf 5. 344 CHAP. XXII. alone. And if by our reproofhedoe re- pent,then is he won,or gayned, his foule a faved fromdeath, and we are to b for-. giue him in tendernes ofharr,as God for Chritls fake kith forgiven us ; & in loue we ought to conceale his tranfgre(l2on , and burie the fame, not c difcovering it to others,nor drepeting it ro himfelf;for filch dealing makes dîvilion am(ig prin- cipal) freinds. But if he hcare not our private admonition, then thould we tnk,e with us e one or two , that in the mouth of two or three witnelrs, everie word may be confirmed ; & that Co f by the ícond or third admonition, he may eyther be reclaim d, or nor ipared,bu t brought to further blame and centiare. And if he will not vouclilafe to heare them , then are we to tell it g unto the Chgrch, where he may be rebuked of h many : and if he rc fufe to heare the church allo , then is .he, by the i power ofChriíl, which is glum thereunto , for the judgingof all k within the tame, to be I cal; our from among the tàin ±s, when they are affem- bled , and to be dclivcrcd unto ri Satrtti , for the dearuet ioin of the #lelli, that the fpirit