;TitN.S, : fl SC Gal. ;II. I2,x3,14.. y /7,&C. 101411. ',tr.? 32,13.&c. z Num. 35, 33 aPro. zQ,17 ;'46 CHAP. XXII. f. But if the Panne be openly commit- ted , then muff the fìuner be rebuked openly, that others alfo may feare ; or if it be of fuch a nature , as tendeth to the: feducingofmen fromGod, though he that entifethhe neereand deare unto us; we are forbidden to ípare or keepehim fecret, for fo may many be defiled by his privie fuggeitions ; or ifany fecret hypo- criticall pratife be feene to impeach the rruerhof thegofpel, or upright walking therein ; fuchought in publick to be re- proved , as x Paul for the like..fault bla- medPeter before all men.Or if the crime be h&ghnous, bloody,and dangerous to the life ofothers,by treafoHor trccheriet fùch mifchief is both to be Y bewraied prevented,and punIihed; and bloodshed defileth the land, as it cannot beden- fed L but by the bloodofhim that fhedd it: fuck therefore (fayth a Salomon) Jhak flee to thegrime, let them notflay him. 6. The forefayd cenCures of Chrift for rebuke and excommunicatïon,are to be infli&ed upon all the members of the church, without b refpec`lr ofperfons, as for other fines , fo tpecially for errors and