CHAP. XXII. 347 and heretics, and contentions againft the true faith. For an heretckmuft be reje- fled c after one and the ccon4admonition_,; c they that teach or receiue dotrines which theyought not, muft be d rebi ed d tit.r;zt,i; _Purply , that they may be found in the fay th ; they that caufe divifions and of- fences , contrarie to the do&rire lear- ned, e mull be dilitentí markedand avoy- e Rom, z6, ded ; and filch ditquicters of the church 'gal i z, to be f cette off. Generally, all g (inners t,Kke and all h unruly perfons, are liable to the li tbej Sainds admonitions; and ifany luit to 14. be contentious , i the Chutchzs of God i 1 Car. Ir., haue no filch entlonie ; for the Lord is k 1 cor. r.4, author k of peace in themall ; neyther ;; may the wicked be fufred 1 to roman in IPfa.zor,4® thecommunion of his people, but judo- 8. I COT. Sp ment m muft be executed in the mor- ning ; neyther may any a favour evill n Rom. doers ; for he that juttifieth the wicked, hivi(faith oSaloniotifhall thepeoples eurfé, OPTO. 24'24 the nationsfball abhorre him; but to them ago, rebore fball bepleatnine. , andupon themfhall come the biding afgood. 7. The caufes why the ta.i,Inds niuft thus redrefle' the evils that ari!e among them,