If, Lrvle. r9, 17, q Lev 4, 23 24-__28. r iv'ttm.r5,;o 3i t flor.7,17. r Lev .io,3. eza .28,22. 1J4.35,8. x Num. 19, lo, 22. lev. 22,1,3, q. y pfie93,5. will CHAP. XXII. them, are there. Firlt, for the glorie of God , who commanded this dutie in his law pplayssly to rebirkçour neighbour; that fo upon warning and light of his finne, q he might bringh s íacrifice and recon- cile himfelfe unto the Lord , whom hr. had offended ; which ifhe regarded not, but !hould doe ought with a high hand , he then was fayd, r' to bla heme the Lord, andmuff be cut offfrom among hispeople , becaule he defpitèd the word- of the Lord, and broke his commandment. God then who is dilhonoured by mens ranfgreflîons, will againe be glorified among them,eyther by their fconfeflion of, or t punidiment for the fame. For his way is holy,the y polluted may not palm by it; they defile x his fanhuarie and ho- ly things ; therefore they mull faná ifie thetnfelues that drawe heere unto him, for harm- 3 becometh hiì hoof'for ever. 8. Secondly,for the good of the tin- ier himfelfe,who by the admonitions cbukes and cenfures, is oftentimes bet- ered;efpecially ifhe be the Lords elea. or prudent man when he is reproved, undrltand knowledg,& a rebuke fink-