3J© CHAP. XXII. tMat, 6 bad k to call rhefeholy things Sc pearles to dogges and fwinc, which wouldbut JPra.23,9. rente the giver; dnd Salomon, 1 to fptak in thecares ofa foole,whichwould de- fpife thevwifdome of their words: vet he Pre.g,S fàyth, mRebtt e a wifeman, &he willloom thee. And an other prophet fn-ewethhow men that by fuck wounds are drawen to amendment of life , will acknowledge n leech. i3 , 6 and fay , n thus ivaó /wounded in the houfe of yfriends. To verifie the proverbe, which teacheth, that howfoever the kif- ® rr0. fes ofanenimic be pleafanr, o the mounds ofa lover a;'efrythfill. 9. A third call fe ofthefe cenfares , is thebenefit of the church ; chat it may be kept from the contagion & corruption of filiners, which is great & dangerous. For inalmuch as they are all one body & brotherhood ; the fault of a few, yea even of one , may be a flareunto the whole companie. This Ifrael felt ofold, p Tot 7,r,4 whe 1 for P Achars fume the Lord cha- d thewhole congregation , yea told g'VeJì 12. them theywere q execrable, and fayd he would be with them no more, except they deflroyed the execrable thing from among