Fro.19,25 a Num. z6, X. I cor. io 6. b Dem. 17' 13 c Prey .I,Io 1I. 6'7,10 13,21. d PTO. 9,14. 15,&c. e Att.zo,3o fZiL.I,I1. g ZSanS15, 6. hHeb.I2,15 k Fro. :9, s. E cct. 9,18 . .% t w Z ccl. Ioi1. 351 CHAP. X II. the foolifh will beware.AndGod whopu_ nifheth íoä:e, for an a example to others, would alfo haue his Church to chaften evil' doers, that b all /%reel may bear' and fiare, anddoe no moreprefumptuoufly ; be- caufe forne will not [tick to c entile and perfwade others unto their vices; efpe- dally d hereticks , which leven corns foules with falle do1rine , entangle the weakconfcienccs, e draw difcHples after their, ffub'ert whole houfes, and fleale away the harts of the pcople,as gdidAb- falomiCush therefore are to be difcover- ed arid cart out, that all may know , and beware of them. Needfully then the Apoftle warneth to hlet no rcote ofbit- ternes fpring up and trouble us , leaf thereby manybe defiled ; for deadflies car5th to tincandputriie the oyntmenb ofthe e/lpothecarie; Icornfull men (as the proverbe k fayth ,) bring the citie into a 'tare ; and I one (inner des`iroyeth much ood. ,io. A fourth caufe why the evill muff bepurged out of the Church , is to flop he reproaches of theworld , and thole ithout. For they takeoccafion by the finnes