CHAP. XXII. ;s5 1 nres of Gods people to m1peakeevill m Titus 2,s; of them and of the trueth and doarine they profelfè ; howmuch more will and may they doe this , if there beno rebu- king and cenh ring of the finners. As God himflfc thereforehath a care, that his name n thould nor be polluted 'be- n Ez,ek. 204 fore the heathen, by the punifhrrrent and9, =4, zz* deflruaion of us his people; fo ought we againe , to haue our o converfation o i Pet. z, iz honefi among them , that God may be glorified ; and his n2me not P blafphe- p Ran.2,z, medby our tranfgreilionof his law.And 24. (uch as breake out unto q infamous vi- q ¡Cor.Ç,z, ces, eyther fpeedìly to repent andamend &c. them, or to be calf out from the fellow- flipofGod andhis people ; fo fhall the throne of Chrifl our king be ftablifhed juftice, when the wicked are taken a- way before him,r as when thedrofe is tn- r Prov. 2g, kenfrom thefiver, thereproceedetha yelled4,I for thefiner. r i . This care ofkeeping thechurch cleane andpure, the Lord hath required in all agcs,by many lawes and iites,lead- ingmen hereunto. Himfelfe firit pradi- fed it ,. by the f rebuking and calling to fden. ;, , 10h1I. &Ca 7 iepen-