354 CHAP. XXII. repentance ofour fir11 parents , that Pin- t gen4,6,7 ned in paradife ; and afterwards by t ad- =I,IZ'I¢ monilbing, and excommunicating Cain. y Gen.9,24 The patriarchs V Noah and Abraham, Zs. and 21, executed thefe judgements on their own 9,10,12'14 children., when the heigthof their finne gai.4:3o. fo deferved. So Toone as the hofi of If- s Nam.I,2, rael was x coniìtuted and ordered, God 3' 6' 4 chap' provided for their Wines and puritie in WS' that order whereinhe had -far them, by caufing all forts ofevill to be removed away. Firfi he commanded, that filch as had corporali ceremonial pollutions, y ,A7wm..5,z, as Y leaprolies, or iiriies, or were defiled 3 by the dead ; fhould be put out of the heft. Ater that, for finnes and trefpafres, whereby both foule and bodiewere in- 2 ver,fe 6,1, deede defiled , he required Z confeflion, refiitution,and facrifice. Ani latily for the findingout andpurging offecret fin, a verfe 12; he ordeyned a that fevereLawofgealou- a3--30, 31 fie, with the bitter curie- bringing water, and dreadfuil efreas of the fame ; by all thefe teaching them, carefully to clenfe, both themfelues and the congregation ; which that theymight 'the better minds andobferue , he afterwards enaaed for the