CHAP. XXII. 355 the lighteí , euen the cerernoniall un- &anms , that the roan which purified not himftlfaccording unto the rites pre- fcribed , fluuld be b cutte off from a- b Num. ¡p, rnong thecongregation , as having de- :o. filed the fanduarie of theLord: the like he did for all other c prefamptuous fin-c Num ¡s, hers whattbever. And thefe lawes were d 2, hro 2 kepr in Ilrael , executed d ú the 19. al 6/ people, euen upon kings , who were zi. e rebuked for their fnnes, and thrufl e ¡Sam- out for their lecprofies. Chrift alto , rz; Q2¡. Aron'.26, and his Apoflles haue giuen many rules, z Chr n. (as is before (hewed,) for denting the IS, tg, 10, churches ofrune. 21. I z. The keepingofwhich rules, be- longeth to all the Saind}s , as the corn- uurx mandement direEed of old f to the ev . rg, .i¡ l' 7. childrenof Iliad , and in thenew tef}a- ment to all the g brethren and Church, doth fhewe. It is a dutieofloue,from ° biath.¡8, which no Chrifliancan be exempted ; to is. ¡ cor.I. be performed by the word of God, which is giuen unto all , as a two edged (word , to execute vengeance and re- bukes , h to binde both Kingsand No- bles, and execute on them the judge- S "49' Z flung