Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

316 CIAP. XXII. ment written : this honour ( fayth Da- m Pfa. Y 49,9 vid)(hallbe i toall the Sainí`ls. But chief- ly this perteyneth to the miniflers and watchmen of the church , who having kzCor.g,ig the wordof reconciliation k committed tinto them , and overfeeing the manners of! all the flock; tnrifl preach that word, on 2 Tim.4, m be inftant in feafon, and out of feaCon, 2. improue,rcbuke,andexhorte , wi h all long fiiffring and do&rive ; they mufk 11E7.1. ;,i7 heare the word at Gods mouth , n as d 18. &c. giue the peoplewarning from him , ad- monithing them of their wickedwaits, els they (mall die in their finnes, and their blood íliall be required at thole mens hands : they Q muff teach the peo- Q !Lek."' ple the difference betweene the holy and profane , and caufe them to difcerne betweene the uncleane and the cleane. Thefe haue the keyes of the kingdome ofheauen, inmore fpeciall manner p i p riiat.15,j9 p g " Job.24,23. ven unto them, for thebindingand loo- tingof finnes by the publickminifleric ofthe word : they are to guide andgoe before the people , as in other afftyres q rCor.5,3 fo iu adm nif}ring thecet1fures of the a rim.j;zo. church. By fuch God ofold did r luck I: =o y p