Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XXII. 357 up and roote out , dtftroy and throwe downe, and againebuild andplant ; by fL,ch he f cutte downe finners in Iliac!, f &flew them by the words of his mouth. Veto filch the people are to hearken , obey , t and 1.ubmit themfelues ; yet al- to to V admoni h them againe ifneede fo recutire, and not fuller themfelces to be x fedaced by falte dorrine , y brought into bondage, devoured or fmitten on the face; but (land fait in the fayth and libertie of the G:olpel ; and when any is cafi -out from among them , or againe received in , that it be the joynt action of the church affembled , as A Chrift and his Apofile haue giuen d:redion. 13. Thus are the hurts of the daugh- ter of Gods people to be healed byad- monitions , exhortations, rcbukes,de- nunciations , .cenfures , and b woos ; a more wholtorne and pleafant balrne , then the fweete words of them that crye c peace peace , when there is no peace : for the blewnes ofthe Wound fe- veth fometimes 81 topurge the evill , and the itripes within the bowels of the belly. By filch meancs theSain&s are brought Z 3 ßt03 Iroj.6, s, t Htb. i;,xt v coln.4.17 e`ro.22.8, 2Q. x !him '-,=8 26, Z7 . y2 cor. rI, 20. z aMat. r'8,i7 18,2o. icor. 5,4,13.204 z,7,8,ro. b Ez_,ck. i 5, 23 . C Ier.6, r{. d ,Prcv, zo, 3a.