Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

558 C HAP. XXII. to a fight of their hnnes , which they do e Iudg* 1,4, away with e teares and facrifice ; they 1 f feare the Lord and praybefore him , Ìÿer.26, i8 and he repenteth of the plague pronun- ced againfl.them. Therefore ought all Gods fervants , to.loue his rebukes and cenfures, rent by the hands of their b1:- thron ; to g Beare counfeli, and rereiue ittflruaion,that theymay be wife in their later ende: to be more carcfull to bury the doung and iinne of their foules , in the graue of Chrift by repentante , then .hDeu.23,i3 the Ilraelites in theircampe to h covér 14. their excrements, for offending theLord: s ße'36,31 to judge themfelues i worthie to haue be,'ne deflroyed for their iniquities , and kLev.i3,45 to cryewith the Leper, k Iam asn Leine Ian1, 5, I I am uncleane : to 1 acknowledge -their faults one to another , and pray one for another, that they may be healed ; for m Pro. a $ mercie is m promifed to them that con- ' a felfe and forfake their fìnnes, and is to n ism. i2, be n pronounced unto them in thename 2' 2. 2fam of theLord ; they are to be o forgi.uen o z Gar.z,, of their brethren and comforted, leaft they be fwallowed up with overmuch p pro. if h avu s. Thus the ears: r that hearkneth ro