C HAP. XXII. 3sß to the correaionof ft,all lodge a- mong the wife but he that q hardneth q Prov,29,Y his neck when he is rebuked , mall fodainly be defloyed , and cannot be cured. Such therefore mutt more rough- ly. be intreated and r judgements de- r Ier. 26, 4, nounced againfl them ; and if they con- 5,6 Vert nor,as in their tranfgrei on is their . Zg, I Pro6. fnare , and they are holden t with the t chap. g, 2z. cordes of their owne fume; fo muft they alfo by their brethren v be bound , and v mat. r S,i 8 their fumes x rereyned;&God in heauen Ibh.2o,23 will corfirrne this centùre againil them. Then are they_till, they repent- and hum- ble-themfelues, x put away andifcparared V tCor.5,13 from among Gods people, excluded egra ro,8. zcv.za,i the heaucnly Ierufalem , .regarded as rangers from the commune wealth of Ifrael , as a heathens and publicans ; and aMat.t 2, r7 for defpifing correhiou are almoll brought b into all cvill , in the midds of b Pro. 5,12, the congregation and aflèmblie. And '4. if theycontinue (fill to hate corre&ion, they c (hall dye fuck jùdgements hath crrov.isolo the Lord appointed for d {corners , and d c O.19)z9 ¡tripes for the back of fooles. By this tneanes the bodye of Chrift is disbur- Z .. den-