Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

3 G CHAP. XXII, dened ofnoyfoine rotten members, the e John 15,Z. e fruitles branehes are taken away from fs;tch.f,9,9 the vine ; the woman fwickjdncs preíièd ri. downe in her bid:hell, is lifted up & ca- rted away from Ierufilem to Babylon, in the Land ofShinar , her owne proper place ; theold leven being purged our, the congregation joyntly is a fwecte and xCor.5,7. g new lump,as the members í. vcrally are unlevened; andkeepe a holy a.ttd joyful' feat unto theLord ; who now is turns°d ILIoj1.7,26, hf rom his fiercewrath, which was kind- 11,12. led for the traufgreífors. Then he that is left in Sion, and retnayneth in Ierufa.. lem,maybe called holy,evere one writ TJ 4,t,4 ten unto life in Ierufaletn , i when the Lord hath wafhed the filthines of the daughters ofSion,and purged the blood of Ierufalem out of the midds thereof, by the fpirit ofjudgement, and by the fpirit of burning. The wayes of the Lord are righteous , and the yoff floaäwalke in them ; but the wicked (hall fall therein. Hof. 14, io. C ti A P.