Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

3aI CHArTIR X XIII. Howfarre the S&ini s may hold, asvd walke in Communion together , ifofences be no removed. T T fallethoften out, through the de- 1 fault &neglei ofchurches, that the forefayd law and power of Chrif} is not duly praaifed, but fanners fuffred and wincked at , yea foinetiines juflified and upheld ; by reafonwhereof, all kindof iniquitie wexeth and aboundeth , to the dithonour of God , the reproach and griefofmen. The duties therefore of the Sainfts , what then they are to doe thcmfelues, and what to beare in others, is needfull to be confidered : for their covenant with the Church , perfwadeth them a to peace and concord, and not to a Epef.4,3 fchifrne, or rent away from the fellow- Chip ; againe their covenant with God, bindeth them to the obedience Sc keep- ing of b all his commandements, with b Dent.s,r. reproofe of , and departure from all prow4,ioo cylll. 27. Z te In i£