cRom.t4, I 2,61 &IS x . ploi1.3, is . (l Ail. IS,I, 2.&c. e Ueut. z 7, S `. z Chron. 19,8. fRom. c 2,16 gpbilip.;, . h I Cor. 13, g ao. i Gil. 5,z. ;rpm i9,I 1 tCar.6.,7 36Z CHAP. XXIII. a. In this ftraight, regarde is to be giuen, fiat unto the caufe& thing it felf, which is done or fuffred amiflè; fecond- ly unto the handling thereof, & dealing about the fame. For the caufe it felfe, that in queíiions and difputable contro- verfies the Sainfts beare one withano- thers e infirmities, & diverfitie ofjudge- ment, efpecially for the_prcCent, till the trueth be tryed out, eyther among them - felues , or by the help ofother churches; whichwas the pra±tfe din the Apoitles &aves; as all() in Moles law,for hard and doubtfull matters , the people diip.erfed through their cities and tribes had e aide ofthe Senate in Ierufalem. In this cafe therefore allChriftians should mind that counfell ofGods wifdome , s not to be wÿé in themflues;g if they be otherwiß fin- del , godJima reveale 4taen thejame unto thew, they know notperfe&ly, h but in parse. Or if it be a perfonall. controx verfie,thar as much as they may, they ful- fill Chriils Law , to 1 beare their brothers burde;i, and procure their owne glories k by pa f inn by an offence : rather . to I Cuf- . fer wrong and fuiteyne harme, thenby thï .fe