CHAP. XXIII. 363 !rïfeand contention to caufe reproach ; re enbring his counfell which fayde, In be notjuit overmuch. But if thedo- et,ine be: n erroneous,and pernicious for the infe&zng of mens foules , and with- drawing them from the faith; f the pra- ¿:fe be O wicked, fuperftitious, or ido- latrous , violating Gods covenant, inju- ring their brethren, or defiling them lèlues, to the flander of theGofpell ;then all the Sain&s muff neither fuffer (fo far as is in their power,) nor partake at all in any filch evil'. Yet before they make any breach, or departure from the Church , they are to ufe all meanes P in holy, meeke, peaceable, and orderly manner, for their redreffe , as is q before Ihewed. 3. That tranfgreffions may not be fizffred inchurches , the reafons in the former chapter alledged, doe proue ; & may further be confirmed by the re- proofe that Chriff fent to the Angels & Churches of Pergamus and Thyatira,for r having & ficffring falfe teachers among them, that drewe the people into fume; of this fault they were willed f to repent, of zEccI.7,0; n 1Tins.i,;, 4- 04. 1,29 &c. tlt.;,9, zo. jede;. o i cor. 5. col. 2, 18. 1 C01.10)631 8,14. pHe6.=2,t4 phibp z,3 Y cor. 16,14 and 14, 4o. dehapter zz. rRew.2.;14.., 11,20. f verfc z6,