Rev.2, 23. v ver/e z4a sy,a6. x vfrfe 2. g Prov.z9,4 i Exoci.2o. a Exo. 2;, 2. # H¢;4Is. 364 CHAP.XXIII. or els he would fight againit them with the Iwordofhis mouth ; and t kî11 their children with death. And filch as had kept themfelues from thefe corruptions were swilled to hold faft that which they had, unto the end. On the other hand, he prayfed the Ephetìans,that they could not X beare with them which were spill, but had tried and founde out falfe Apo- ales.. And this marke Salomon fet. on them that keepe the law, that y they will fit themfelues againfl the wicked. 4. And that theSaim. s may not for fellowf ip with the church or any mem- bers thereof, doe any evill thing, eyther in Gods worfhip or theafiayres ofman; the very forme of the law giuen to them all jointly and feverally; for God ípeaketji to everie foule apart, z Thou fhalt haw no other gods befre my face i and fo in all the other precepts. And leafl by the errour of many , any fhould be withdrawen from this obedi- ence ; he gaue another expref e law , a Thom flicit notlllow a multitude to do evil. After that, when corruption fpred a- mong the people, he fayd,b though thou Ifrael