Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XXIII. 36S 7fraelplay the harlot, yet let not Iudahfinn. And to facare ought- all to be from fin- ning for company , as they tllould fay with Iaakob , c into their f cret let not my c foule come ; my glorie be not thou joyned With their affemtlie ; and with David , tou Id d hate theafemblieofthe evill , and d lot fit with the racked , but wafh their hands in innocencie, and compaife the Lords altar ; for howsoever men joyne together in finne , yet hand in hand e the wickZed(hall not be unpunifhed ; the foule that linneth fit íha11 dye ; and whither it be g manor woman, or familie or tribe, which í11a11 turne their heart away from the Lord, and fo eriíl, bleffing them- (clues in their evil, he will not be mer- cifull to fuch a perfon , but put out his name fromunder heauen.And the Lord when he takethhis by the hand, teach- eth them , h not to wale in the way o f filch people, but to fanc`tifie and fare him. This then is the dutieofevtrie foule, that they keepe themclues pure, and re- fïaine from all wickednes , that fo the praife of Ïudah may come upon them , which iyet ruledWith god, and wasfuith- fhll Gen.49,6. Pf.2s, S)6 e Pro. Yt,22 fEx,e.z8,4. gDeu.29,=8 19,26. h tja. 8, III, ;3 i Hof. tz