Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

366 CHAP. XXIII. fullwith the Sainas,when Ephraimcompel': fed the Lordwith lyes, & thehouf of Ifaeu with deceyt. Soalto (hall their reward be LRtv.hz,4 with thofe k few names in Sardi,(which church had a name, that it lived,but was dead,) which had not defiled their gar- ments, and fhould walkewith Chrift in whites, for they were worthy. 5. Moreover the Sainas nicft bane a care of their communion in the Church, that by reafon of their brotherhood and iYTifJ!5,22 Corporation, they t partake not Withother wens f runes. Tate it is , that force hypo- crites w ill cary themfelues fo cunningly, that theycan hardly be difcovered or a- voyded, howfoever in godly gealoufie they may be full)" ; fùch mull be borne withpatience , till their finnes be ripe. And it appeareth , that the Apo- files themfelues were much troubled with filch , whom they therefore called a1 2 COY. IT, m deceitfull workers , for that they could 13,14,15 (like Satan) transforme themfelues into the Apoffles of Chrift, andminiflers of $ titri 12. rightcoufnes ; and thefe fought n occafi- ophilip.z,15 on againft the faithfull fervants ofGod, =6 and would impurely , o cumof envy, & Rrife,