Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XXIII. 367 flrife, preachChrift , fuppoíing to adde Doreaftlietion to their bands ; ncvther bath the Church in anyagebeetle with- . out filch tares ; whofe judgement is with theLordnot farre off, and their dam- nation flecpethnor. But if their wic- kednes be apparant, they trutf eyt her be reclayrned from their finne, or rejt &ed: otherwife the whole church may be i le- velled, and in fault alfo,as before is pro- ved. And when eyther in Gods worfl;ip, corruptions areadmitted ; or the open wicked fuffred unatnended : all the god- lyought not onely to reproue and wit- neffe againti thefe evils, but refrayn from partaking with the Church in them. So did theprophets , and holy men ofold t.hemfelues ; and fo they taught others. When falte worfhip was fet up in the churches , they warned the people q not to come there; when falfe prophets taught r not toheare them; yea though theywere their owne children, fto thrus`f them, through when they prophefied. And ge- nerally for all iniquitìe againft God and men,they taught everie one t to refrayn, as they loved their lines and falvation: to tome p r car.$,`. gFIof,4, rf. r tcr. 2;, t 6. fz,ech.z;,; c Ex.e.iS,io z2, z3., zo.