//X a8,;o 3= Exae.9 4 y 11459;15. zlfa66,5 aEz.x. 23,45 b xoj. 2, 2, 3) 4 eler.zr,j5. dmat.z,t;, 14,15. Ley. 7,19 368 CHAP. XXtii. turne themfelues , and caufe others ro turne fromall their tranfgreiiont; be. caufe they fhould be judged everie one according to his waies. Hereupon the godly when they couldnot reclaim their brethren,both xmourned andcryed for all the abominations doneamong them, & alto Y refreyNedfrom evill, whereby they made themfelues a prey to the wicked; who hated them,and cats themout for Gods name fake ; yet they againe were taught, to a judge them after the mannerof harlots , to bpleade With their mother ( the church) that file was not the wóf ofthe Lord, nor heher bufband , but for her a- dulteries fhe fhould be ilain.e, and her children unpittied, if fhe tooknot away her fornications owt ofher fight. And in Ieremies dayes the Lord askerh, c what his beloved fhould Lary in his houfe, Pee- ing it had committed abomination with irany ? and the holy flefh, ( that is the flab d ofthe ficrifices,) was gone away from them, ( being defiled by their im- pureactions , and therefore rather to be eburnt with fire,thtn eaten ofany man;) for when they didevill , they rejoyced ; fo