-- C HAP. XXIII. 369 fo that it were better for everiegodly one to feparate, then communicate with that worfhip , where ( as another f Pro- phet fayth, )the facrificingofbulloks & fnecpe, was as if they hadflaine a man , or tsstte ofa dogs neck, or offredfvvnnws blood, and thememorie of incenfe, as if they blefed an Idol; they havingchofen their owne waies, and their foule delighting in their abominations. in like manner did C hrlft informe his Apoftles , and they the churches ; that they fhouldnot admittc of any erroneous doctrines, or partake in any evill act with the Scribes and Pharifees , but g let them alone like .blind guides , & 11 fare themfelues from that froward generation ; to i haue no lellowfhip with the unfruitful) works of darknes ; to k feparate,and turn away from falle teachers , and evil) doers ; to 1 trie the fpirits,& having tried all things, to kccpe onely m that whichwas good ; to refufe all fellowfhip with falfe tea- chers , n not to receiuc them to houle , nor bid themGod fpeede ; to hold filch accurfed as fhould preach o otherwife then they had received ofthe Apoftles. Aa And f tfit 6¢ gMitt.r5,j4 2,4e. i Ephef. 5,1,. k iTim.6,s. 2. tim.3,f . I 1oh.4,=a miThe.,,z= n z Iohlt To. o GaI. r, 8,9