37o CHAP. XXIII. pRev.18,4. Andgenerally, not p topartake ofthe finns of others., the they receiue not of their plagues: 6. By, which and many other like fcrptur_es. ;.-:.we are taught, not to keepe communion with 'people or Church, in any. openor knower wickednes, againit eyther tableof Gods law ; for that were to honour man more then God. Our gitok i;6,7 cellowíIiip, is in q. the not in dark- itaeh ; ncyther is it goodwalking fpcake againiffaults in others, and oar r Pfat.50,16 clues r die thefame with them : > how 7 fhould our repro:cfs:,árarazoriitioiYsb: flat, , ... regcirde°dor:iiZìi,:ne.n;tie,-fbeain. isi 7` a Tit. i, i6: our ()wile'eye, andour Works do t more T, ,, . titl:ñe, the our worciscan co.ndetnrie ,. them : The#o:phtctsbf_ad.-, . our Savi- t ;t F - oerr,.."uad. hrs°Apcf}les; ;fire never found ' eyther to -dóe, or j.oynctitì-the doing ,of < ° .,;01 r any unlawful.' thing ; "for which th4 , , , _:';* x-,: blamed their_peol}ie.s: in`like weile muft we .N72.lke , els fiiall wee be inexcuiabl.e before . God and men ; for (as it is writ- y Rom. :., i. ten,) y he that,judgeth another anddoth the ime 't'ings, co;cer.aaieth hi;fY. , 7. And. in our aaml`+lies,where Gods x pretence