CHAP. XXIII. 371 pr:fence is , ought our holynes , feare x 1)/439,7 and obedience, aloft to fhine; and all evill things molt be fhunned : where by reafon of our neare conjunction and communion , the contagion of finne may fpreade over all. For there all are one loafe and one bodie, 7 becaufe we are all partakers ofone bread. And ify;cot. r2, r7 the wickedpartake withus , neyther we nor the holy things can fan&ifie thein ; but contrariewife they defile us , and everie thing they touch , as the law faythz what f ever the uncleane permtou- T chethjhall be uncleane, and thepertn the zz. toucheth hires fhall be uncleane. And this touching, figured our fellowfhip toge- ther in theChurch,as theApoftle a (Lew- a zCcr.6,14 eth; and by this, the Prophet Haggai 15"-17- convinced the people of Ifinell to be b uncleane in Gods fight, they, and all b Flag. z, r4 their works and facrifices. Wherefore ftrdight !awes were giuen to that nati- c Lev, z:. on, as well priefls as people , (lien upon, payne of d death , that none in his un- d tierfe 9 cleannes fhould e touch the holy things e verle; . of thechurch , for that was not onely a defiling ..of the f things t emfhies, but of£ve f Aa z Gods