Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

zz,:, 32. klEf.44,23 i lfi. I $ x I 9. z2. zï. Iverfe31. m dZev.1,6. n tiPet.2,9. c, Rcv.s,io p i Cot.5,4. q 4lerfe I2. r Terfe 13. fiCor.y,a.3 /41.5,1 t Yfa. i4939 v Er,ek.44, 24. XUzi 53,II. y FEt,..6,,x. 372 CHAP. XXII I. Gods g namealfo. For avoiding whereof, the Priefis were to h teach the people. how to difcerne betweene holy andprone , clean and rsncleane. Which if they did, and tooke away the precious from the vile , then were they as i gods mouth : o- therwife, when they put no difference betwecne holy and profane, they k bro e gods law , anddefiled hisholy things : for which caufe, he powred out i his indig- nation upon them. And now that all Chrifliansare madem Prierfs unto God, euen a n kingly priefthood to o reigne upon earth, and haue the p power of Chrift , to judge all that are q within the Church, and = caft out the wicked from among them : they ought to f reteync and de their power , to execute the t judgement that is written ; and as the priefts ofold,to T keepe Gods lawes and flatutes in all his atfemblies , or cis to depart from among them. 8. For ifany church or people, vio- late Gods covenant , by finningagainft him,andoneagainif another: and if their eares Y be uncircumcifed , that theycan- not hearken to admonition, nor be afhamed,