CHAP. XXIII. 373 % aíhamcd when they haue committed a abomination; but defpifing theword, walke ílubbornly with God , &will not be reclaymed t then they that were a ye- a mic.z, &. fterday Gods people , are rifen up for an enimie , and he will walke b ftubburnly b Levit. =6, inanger againíl thetn,andhis c foule will 28. abhorre them , he will bring their d fan- c verfe 30. ¿uaric to nought,and will not linell the d ;is favour of their fweete odours ; the in- cenfe of their prayers, is e an abomina- e If4 1,13. tion unto him ; he f hateth,he abhorreth irLoJ,zr. their feaft dayes , and will not finell in their folemne affemblies ; both g them ter. I . and the houle which he had hallowed 7' for his name, will he h caít out of his h 1Kin 9,7. fight , and i rcmoue the candleílick out i REV. z, S . of his place ; the Lord of hoíts k that k Ier. i r, i7 planted them , pronounceth a plague a- gainft them, he will take 1 his kingydome iMát.zi,43 from thern,and giue it to a nation,which íha11 bring forth the fruits thereof, and their mhabitation gall be left unto th6 38 Mat° z s defolate. He will doe unto them , as he threatneth by his prophet, n For the lie- n Hof.9 Is. krdnet oftheir inventions 7 will caß them_ asst ofmy houtfe, 7 will love them nomore; & A a 3 againe,