Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

374 CHAP. XXIII. o Ilof;9, i7. againc, o my godwillcall. them away , be- p 1 cant. zs, cafitheydidnot obey him. For p rebellion 23. is as the fume of witchcraft, and tranf- greflion is wickednes and idolatrie; fee- ing they have call away the word of ,he Lord, therefore he ca{ieth away them ; gDan.9,1 i the curfe is qpowred upon them , and the oth that is written in the Law. For r 11,3,4 God proclaymeth, r Curfëd be the man, that, obeyethnot the words of this covenant, Which y commanded yourfathers, eying, obey nay voyce, anddoeaccording to all thefe things, whicb 1 commandyou , fójllallyc be my people, andI will beyour god: andhis (yore y. fervants anfwer & fay, fcrimen, OLord. Thus the curfe devoureth the land , of that Al Lmblie or people , and the inha- bitants thereof are defolate , for that t they tranfgrefkci the .awes , changed the ordinances , and brake the everla(i- inocovenant ; and then the Lord fwea- w Awios 6, a rah and fayth , P 1 abhorre the excellencia oflaal¿ob, and hate hispeaces. 9. Then they that cryed out againft their abominations, are 1 marked and xEze.9,4,6 Caved from deiiruUion; a booke ofY re v Mal.5,16. nienibrance, is written before the Lord, for