376 CHAPTER. XXIIII. Ofthe Commuxion_, that are Church bathwith another. HA -vi N G fpoken of the Sainc}s Communion in their feverall Congregations, wherein they are di- ilina bodies, and owe fpeciall dutieand care one toward another : it remaynah that fomething be fayd, of the commu- nion betweenChurch and Church. For though they be disjoyned in place , yet are they united in heart and fpirit , fo as a epheff4,4). they generally are but a one bodie or 010'i,I8 Church , under oneheadChrift, called in one hope of their vocation , by one God and Father ofall; and muff endea- vour, to keepe the unitie of the fpirit, in the bond ofpeace. z. When Chrift Pent forth his Apo - b Mau's.281 t}les into theworld , he b vane them one 19,29, and the fame commißîon,forpreaching the Gofpell in all nations, and teaching them to obferue , whatfoever he had 01r -handed who thereupon preached nor