CHAP. XXIII. 377 e onecommune fayth , a covenant and cephef.4,5 Gofpell d everlafling, for everie tongue titU4 I,4. p b d Heb. i;,Z and people ; and exhorted them e ear- ve,,.i4.6. nefily to contende for that faith once elude;er. ;. giuen to the Sainas. And as the faith f Ga!6, :6. was ones fo was there one rifle, or f canon gAtI.14,Z) for allGods Ifrael to walk by,the g fame and Zo, I7' Y dam. 5, i4 officers in all C hutches ;the tame h ordi- ipet, y,14it. nances & decrees ; the fame waies taught 1, 5. by theA p oflles i everie where in everie hiCor.7,r7 church ,and all other k forbidden : fo x61I6,1.a,56 peace was fette by God in I all Churches it Cor4.z7 of the Sainas. k i Tins ¡j and 6,3sí4- 3. And as the Churchgenerally con X6,3,4 fidered , is themmother of all the faith- m Gat.4,26 full ; fô the particular churchesarerig- n Song.$, s. ter's each to other, and there is o a bro- °!P",.5,9- therhood of the Sains throughout the "4'1" world ; they being p all one in Chrifl: Ie- p Gat.;,zs. fus, the c one thepheard that hathmade q for/.10,16. one sheepfold : andare therefore exhor- ted, to be r all of one minde,and to loue as brethren. For fo was it prophefiedof r -he3,8 r. the latter daycs , that peoples should joyntly ffeeke for knowledge of Gods flf4.z,e,3a4 waiis,in the inountaineofhis houfe;and nation not lift up a fwotd againft nati- Aa 5 on,