Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

t Song. 8, S, v xP)71.8 7,4 y Gera. 9, 27 6- I2,3 P,. 2,S. and' 2 $,9,I0, II. If/ 49,6.Q,`'T' 66,19--2i. h0ea. 2, 23. iYlcti , I , I r . zRom.Ia,r2 CHAP.XXIII. on, nor learne to fightany more. 4. From hence arifeth the Commu- nion oflone , and all Gods graces and bleings among the churches; wherein our elder rifler , the Congregation ofIC rael hash walked before us for an exam- ple. For he had minde and care ofus when we were finall , t and without breafls, not able to Beare or nourfe up children to theLord ; fhe v prayed for us unto God ; X made mention of us to her acqua'.ntance , and taught her chil- dren by many Y prophehes, to exfpeft our binh , calling, and conjoyning in one fpiriruall body , faytli, worfhip and religion. And no. w that we through Chrill haue obteyned this riches and mercie , though it be byher z fall and diminifhing; we ought both to nouri h unitie and peace amongour flues , and to remember her againe, who notwith- ílanding her prefent miferie, is a beloved for her fathers fakes, and (hall againe obteyne mercie ; which , what will it be unto us , but c life from the dead S. Examples alto we haue of the Churches