Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XXIIII. 379 .Churches in the Apoflles dayes , who communicated eachwithother, in bief- fings fpirituall and temporall , as a- mongf`t others, chiefly.appeareth in thole two loving lifters the Churches at Ierti- faiem and Antiochia, the one of which were Iewes, the other Gentiles. For they din Ierufulem,hearing that many in d 11)22 Antioch were turned unto Chrift ; fent &c. for their further edification , Barnabas, unto them, e a good man and full ofthe e roof z4' holy Gholt , and of fayth ; by whole meancs,muchpeople joyned themfelues unto theLord. The Antiochians know - ing, (fas the Apoftle layth,) that if they fRom.r5,27 were made partakers of their lj irituall things, their dutie was to minifter unto them in carnali things: when they heard ofa b famine foretold to come over all g &.IIZó the world, fent fuccour to their brethren 29,30. in Iudea , by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. Againe, when there h grew a dif- h A&.15,1? fLntion , by meanes of falle dotrine, ;Os. fowne among them ;' they fent the fayd Paul and Barnabas foradvife and help-c unto Ierufalem ; which Church , after i greate difputation, men by the Apo- i 7. files