Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

38o CHAP. XXIIII. g files themfelues, k lent back choifeand chiefe menof their ownecornpanie , to Antiochia, with Paul andBarnabas, and wrote letters alto , of the fame matter : buttft .,3z, fo both byword and wricing,the i mul- &c. ritude ofbeleevers there, Were confirm- «din the trueth, and rjoyced for the confolation. 6. Thus haue we a patterne and pre- fident ofChriftianduties between chur- ches , in that Church which fiat was rn zr, crowned with the name of m Chriftians; 26. and haue betides this , many other in- ftrudions and examples propofed in the szGot. S, r, fcriptures ; as of the Churches inn Ma- 2, 3.6.c. cedonia , fo ready and infant to beftow grace and fellowthip of minifiring to o- o chap.9,1,z ther Sain&s; of o Corinth alto in the 3'ßc' like cafe, whole readines of minde Paul boafted of to other congregations , and their zeleprovokedmany. And well was it with the churches then, which firouc not for primatie, nor knew no preemi- nence One over another; but walked all Plain -444 as brethren , under one P e rrchpafoor Pet.5, 4 Chrifl, who fill walked among them, cv.zr, vifiting the w dnd workes of thole c. golden