CHAP. XXIII!. 381 golden candleflicks, whofe lightsfhined not onely in themfelues,but unto others, fo as they were r followers of the Apo.. r = thef.=,l. flies , and of the Lord , fenfamples to f roe f' :. their fifler churches, indo&rine, fayth, vertue, and t followers of them in pa- t ith1P f*,i4 tience; for which the Apofllcs V rejoy- v athef.r,4. ced in the churches ofGod. Hereupon followed x prayers one for another, x2Cor.9,i; thanks and falutations , with all other i4,I5.Romo meanes to nourifh loue, and continewe icor. í6,19. peace. Thenwas fulfilled the prophefie of Ifaiah,which foretold Y ofa pathfrom Y 19/ 26 £giptto e1fhur,(that is,fromone church 24 and nationof the Gentils to another, ) whereby they Mould come and commu- nicate togither in the worfhip of God, Ifraell alto beings third with them,euen a blefling in the middes of the land , (as x A&ii, dr wehaue feene before x in the Church at r5. Ierufalein,) and the blefling of the Lord upon it,in this holy comrnunion,faying, a Tleffedbe my people Egipt , andeArjhur , ajfs,r9,=s the workofmy hands,and Ifr clmy ne inhe- ritance. 7. From thefefewe examples, corn- b Chap. 111, pared with the b former generall duties.aid 19. ofall