381 CHAP. XXIIII of all Chriftians ; may appeare how Churches owe helpy, comfort , and re- treating one to another , as they haue neede and abilitie, and fhould not one cZo fix, envie or vexe an other, but c as Ephraim 14. and Iudah, flee togither upon the fhoul- ders of thecommó enimie; yet avoyding both ambition and confufion. For al- thoughwemayadvife, exhorte, warne, reproue &c. lb far as Chriflian loueand power extendeth : yet finde we no au- thoritie committed to one congregation over an other, for excommunicating the fate, as everie Church bath over her owne members. Chrift referveth this dRcv.2,s. power in his owns: hand,, to d remoue the Candleflicks o.ut`of their places, if they finne and .repent not. And he in Rev.x,and his Epiflles to the e feuenchurches, dea- 3 chapters. lethwith everie of them feverally for their owne eftate and faults ; not .impu- ting the finnes of one unto an other though the admonitions giuen to everie' one, were to be awarning toall chur- ches , euen whofoever had an care to heare. Neyther may members difor- derly run from church to church, which' may