Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C HAP. XXIIIJ. 383 may workc trouble and confufion ; for avoydingwhereofin theApof}les dayes, letters of f commendationwerewritten, f zCor. for fuch as by occafion travailed to 310h8,9,ze other places ; that they might be Ole em_'0l'4'10411. ed and received as brethren ; as on the 15, ' s$` contrarie, falle teachers, hereticks , ex- communicates, and fuch like, fl:un- g ITim.i,z, aged and avoyded. z sim r, 15. catin Z I 8. As for communi g with ano- 4,4'315- ther church , when it lyeth in finne ; Chrií}ians are to confider the rules men- tioned in the former chapter. For when they may not partake with their owner congregat on , untowhich they are joy- !led ; neyther May they partake with an other, being in the fame cflate and tïanf- `refljon. A multitude h cannot make 'E".23,' an evil' thinggood ; neyther can many, or al churches tógether,juí}'fie or make tollerablc, that which G ds..,`.,,a.w con- demneth,; for i ail Men, thdugh they be :J 1 aÿ1; layd to`i.ther in the baliat:ce.,: are lighter then vanitie, as the prophet myth. it is _14tice (according to the trueproverbe) .k which.,exa /tech a nation : britfrne,i5 the k riv.'14,54 fhare (,:f peoples. As therefore when iliac!