CHAP. XXIIII. 38f dements of the Lord their God, but wal- king after the fa(hion of Tiraell , which they ufed , the Lord did therefore t rail t'veT zo. offal! the feed of Ifracl, &of ié1ed thé, &delivered them into the hands offpoy- 1ers, until! he had caft them out of his fight. It behooveth all therefore to rninde well their communion,both with their owne and other churches; and to nourifhpeace, but in holynes to keepe commun]6,but in light,notindarknes ; for we muff al appear before V the judg- v 2Cor.s." ment feate of Chrif}, where x everieone x Ro.s4, iz ofus fhall giue account ofhimfelfeunto God , and y everie man beare his owne Y Galls. 6.5. burthen. As we haue fowne in this flesh, fo frail we reap; the foule that hath z fin- 24k't8 -s® sled (hall dye ; Noah, Daniel , and lob, flail a deliver neyther fonne nor.clauh- a Ezck* 14. ter, but their owne foules by their rig-1- 13.14. 2®. teoufnes. And whofoever overcometh Thal! b inherit all things; and (hall no tbe R . cRev...iz. hurt of the fecond death. Some to your (e'uesin tiahtcoufries : reape after the meafisre ofmcrcie. IIof. io, iz. Bb THE