Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. II: I withanhigh hand& obfiinateheart, till he become moil mabominable & filthy, in Iob i5,í6 drinking iniquitie as water; making it na paftime to doewickedly, o refufingnot n pto.ze,z ;; any evil!; but for to glutte himfelfe with o PJJ.36,4 his lothfome delights, addeth finn unto finne,& p drunkennes unto thirf,grow- eth q paft feeling , andafter his r hardnes pDog, 9, and heart which cannot repent , heapeth q Ephe.4,19 up wrath againft the day ofwrath &of rRom.z,$.. the revelation of the 1uí1 judgement of God,únto whomhe hath fayd, f departe Iob zz,i4 fromm f e,for I defire not the knowledge f i of thy wayes; who is the Almightie that I Mould ferue him,&what profit íhould I haue, if I thould pray unto him. S. So men that would themfelues be t Gods , are fallen to fuch impietie, that tEz,e tEzec.28,2 they are not farre from the lothfome na- .. ture ofdivils ; which our Sauiour figni- fied,when he called Iudas Y adivill ; and v /oh ,6, 70. the Iewes,the divils children. And now & 8,44. God abhorres al wretched mans works, and euen his molt x religious anions, z bra. r, 1;, whichhis troubled , ignorant &hypo- 14. .criticall confcience caufeth him toper- forme. TheLord regardethneither Yhim YGtn .4/S B z nor