OPENWICKED, Thefe hate the Law , and pro- feíle their ha- tred. Pfal. 2, 3. lob 22, 17, Thefe are na- ked, yet without tharne;thoughall men fee their ñl- thines, they hide it not. Ier. 6,15. and 8, HYPOCRITES, l of hate the Law, but profefs to loue it. "'faim 78. 36, 37. SAINCTS. There loue the law,and profeíle their loue. Pfal. I 19,97. Rom.7, 22. Thefe afhamed oftheir nakednes cover it withfig- leaues, orfpiders Webbs of their oWne external' righteoufnes Ifa. -s9, S, 6. Thefe haue their nakednes cover- ed ofChrift,and by the garments of his righteouf- nes.Rev.3,18.3c 16, I s. call not upon God. Vial. 14, 4. Thefe acceffo- n:ed to doe evil, neither change thernCelues nor their ac`ions:Ier. 13, 23. 7hefe crie, but god, heaved) thé not, /fa. 1. 15. hefe change theirwordes and Works , dut not themfelues gen. 4,3. &28.8,9. Hof: 7. 16. Thefe call up6 God, and he an- fwereth them. Thefe change both their af}iós and themfelues ; or rather, ar cha- ged of the Lord. Rom.: 2,2. There