Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

()PINWICKED, HYPOCRITES. SAINCTS. Thefe are, ftrágers,not chil- dren, noryet rer- vants inthe houf- hold of fayth. Ephef. z, i Pial. 58 3. Thefe go not out to mette the bride-gr000me ; neither corne to the wedding , though they be invited. Mat. 223 3,5 Thefe are in the houle, but as feyvants , not as hildren . Yoh. 8. 3536. ÿaUt.4, 22. &C. Thefe are no moreílragers,but childrenofGods Familie, wherein they abide for ever. Ga1.4,z8. x Ioh. 3, t. Thefegoe with their lamps , but without pile; they come to thefeat, but t ßät the wed- dinggarment. Mat.25.3.6- 22 11.12. Thefe goe'to meere the bride- groomwith oyle in their lamps;& are arayed with the wedding robe. Matth. z 5, 4 Thefe are , Thefe are light Darknes both before the world, before God, and but Darknes be- the world. I'rov. fore God. e...%1/Cat 4,19. 6.2.5. 16. Ifa. Thefe, though Thcfe, though lickunto death , theyfee and yet (like the mad knoWe theirfick, man nes, There are light, bothbefore God and the world. Ephef. f, 8. Mat. 5,16. Phil.z,15. Thefe fee their fyns , and feele thëfelues woun- ded