Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

()PEPIWICKEß, HYFOCIZITES, SAIIICTS. mein poffeffedof Divils, Mar. 5, 2, 3. &c. which ra- ved, and felt not nor difcerned his ownmiferie) they feeke no re- medie for their difeafe. Prov. x6. and 2.3, 34, 35. nes , yet like to KingUfa, they feeknot theLord in their difeafe, but to the Phyf_ clans ; or with falues andmedi- cins oftheirowne making, thinkto curethem,felues 2 Chron.ló, 12. ¡oh. 5, 40. Hof 5,13. Thefe doe the Thefe doe not evill which they the evill Which loue and would they lope, but the doe. Iob 20, I z, good Which they 13. Prov. z,14. lone not , Num. 14, 2.4. 40. Thefe exfped 74.6; exfpeEt no iàlvation , ey- filva,tióby them,- ther by them-felues , and their felues , or by any oWne rbhteouf- ether.Ifa. z2113. nes, Rom. 1o, 3. Ter. 2, 3,s. ded by thofe Ee- rie ferpents ; but lift up their eyes to the ferpent of braire; they feeke to Chrift onely the Phyfician of their foules. NUM. 2I, 8, 9. Iohn3,14,15.. Thefe loue good & defire to doe it, yet doe the e- vill which they hate. Rom. 7, I 5. Thefe exfped falvatió onely by Chrifls righte- oufnes, not by thêfelues.Phil.3, 9.Ro.3,24,2.8. Thefe .-._J _