Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

OrINWÍC1 D, HPOCRIIES SAINCTS. Thefe dye by Thefe under Thefe , after Mofesfword , as eillofes conduit Mofes death, are the Idolaters , perifh by gods brought by Iefus Exod. 3 i. lead an the defert, into the reft of the Madianites , andcone not int&Canaan : the reft Numb. 31. the the land ofpro- that reinaynetlx Amorites,Sihon, tife. 'for the people pgh , and the of God. Hebr. like. 4) 8, 9 Thefe both f'n.1ll perifn, and Thefe fhall bepunifhed with everlailing per- enter into thejoy dition, from the pretence of the of their Lord ; Lord , their portion fball be (hall line and with the Divils in the lake of ceigne with him fire and briinflon , which is the in heauen , and fecond death. Matth. 25,3 o, with his Holy 41. and 2.4, st. Iob 13, 16. Angels,for ever- z Thef. 1, 8, 9. Revel. zo, io, more.Amen.Mat 13, 15. 25,2.1,34,46. The Wic'ed The Hypo- The Sains s avail turne into crites hope Jhall Ihall be prefer- hell. perifla. ved for ever, Pfal. 9, 17. lob 8,13. Pfal. 37, 2.8. 772e And