Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

34 CHAP. III. difdples had all forfaken him and fled, z Ieâr. T23. that he by Z hinlfelfe might purge our finnes. He looked a for fome to haue arfa.69,zo. pitie on him , but there was none ; for comforters, but none he founde ; there bPfa.i42.4 was b not any that would know him, all refuge favled him , none cared for his c, ),I) foule. His ownepeople c betrayed him, &denyed in the pretence ofPilat, when he had judged him tobe delivered, they d verb =4. d denyed the holy one and the juíl,& de- fired a murtherer to beMoen them.Then was the Lordof glorie mifufed, and fuf- fred much speaking againfl of finners, Pra.rog,z they e opened upon him the mouthof e e pr deceyt , and compaffed him about with words ofhatred,they rewarded him evil for good, andhatred for his friendship; f Matth.z6, they f(pate on his face,&buf'etted him; 67: they crownedhim with g thornes, and gloh,T9,I,z fcourüed him; he became a h reproach i1Pf Iop,ñs unto them , they that lookedupon him i pf4.69, zo. fhaked their. heads , yea rebuke i did breake his heart,and he was full ofhea- kpja,zz,z6 vines, for kdogges did cornpaífehim a- boute , the aflèmblie ofthewicked in- clofed him , theypierced his hands and his AMY