Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

6. b i Pet. z, $4 c leb.7,2z d ta.9,6. e Col. I220. fzi'et. a,I7 gtfa4z,IC. 14)h.5, z. 3g CHAD. III. perifb not : for loe, the wratteof God kindled formans finne, was appealed by the death ofth :s a manChrifflefïis,who. gaue himfelfe a ranfome for all men,and h bare oi.r finnes in his body on the tree, being the c furety of the Teflament. It pleated the Father by him , the d Prince ofpeace,to e reconcile all things tohim- f.lf,cc to fetal peace through the blood of his croffè both the thinges in earth & the things in heauen. F9r it was his bc7 loved Conne, in f whô 1;kwas well plea- : fed, his chofen one,g in'-f whotn his foule delighted,that hadhgiuc'i himfelfe to be an offling, and a íä,cß ce of a fweete finelling iavour to G. who finnelle4 here a favour ofreí,sreeter then that in tn= Gen. b, z I . i,Noahs facrifice , W .içh canted him to fay in his hearte,thAewould curfe the groundno morefa trans caufe, though the imagination of -cans heart were evil! fromhis youth : for now there null be k Rev,223. kno more curie, but the throne of God z.,ach.z4>I I and of the Lamb (Tthat was flame ) fl all iDe .3z 43 be in the citie, he 1 will be mcrcifullvn- to his land , vnro his people. The An- gels fawe this,and were glad for our fal vat- ion