CHAP.III. 39 nation, they funge at our Sauiours birth, mGlory to God in the highest (heauens)and mLske 2,13 vpon earth peaee,towards me goodwill. And 14. when he was glorified , the thoufand thoufands of them prayfèd him Paying , , WorThy is the Lamb that was killed,to n Rev.f,ir, receiue power,and riches,and wildome, and flrength,and honour, and glory and praife. The heauens o rejoyced for that Ifg,44)23 the Lord had done ,`the lower partes of the earth fhouted , the mountaines , for- refts,and every tree buril forth into pray- fes,for that the Lord had redeemed Iaa- kob , and would be glorified in Ifrael , and p all creatures in heauen (Sc. in earth, p Rev. g,3. under the earth, and in the fea , sand all that are in them , gane praife and honour and glorie and power, unto him that fit- teth upon the throne, & unto the Lamb for evermore, Amen. 14. This grace was the qwi dome of q xCor. z,7. God ma myfterie , the hidden wifdome which God had foredetertiincd before theworld, unto our ()lorie ; but r it was hidde from the eyes ofall the living, & r 4d(/28' za hidde from the fouls of the heauen ; none i of the Princes of this world f lCor' z, 8' 9 C 4 knewc