Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

54 C HAP. V. Lev.$4,7 theLord,withApure incenfeupon them, to be for a remembrance and offring by fire to theLord in fteedof them. So wo d cons, y. Chriftians are unlevened cakes , fi:and- *14 ingbefore the Lord in his church, and 'being in Chrifi a fweet odour untohim, e Rev. zI,3a who fiill hath his fpirituall e Tabernacle withmen, and dwelleth with them, CHAP TER V. 1-14105 or Santtitie whit, it as. He Scripture calleth that thing or perfon Hol y , which is feparated from profancnes and pollution , and is addictedor applied to divine ufe or fer- vice ofGod. Thus the Sabbath daywas fExo3S, hallowed , when God had fevered it 16' L3. fromcommune labour.and humane ern- g Lev.z3, z ployments,to be (pent in heauenly exer- 3,452r,24, cifes and meditations, whereupon it is 7, 35' 36, named fthe holy Sabbathofre to theLord: h3 the like is tobe minded for all g other xod.3,z feafi dayes appointed of God for holy .343, deuc convocations. The firfiborn ofman and stumi 6' 83'7,18. beafi h were fandified to the Lord , by being