Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CH AP. V I. d t by blood and by oyle. 7. For when the body ofthat church was purged once a yeare; the b blood of bLev.16,1g the finne offring was fprinkled in the inmoft holy place of the Sanctuary, and upon c the altar without , to d clenfe and ` 'VtVfe 1$' ffnCtify them from the finne & unclean- dver.16,19 nes of the formes of Ifrael. When the priefts were confecrate the e blood ofe Exo.29,2e their faƧrifice was put upon theire right 2z. CV, 8,23 Bares, thumbs, and toes; and fprinckled 24=30. upon their bodies and garments , that fo they might be fanetified : Buen as before at the makingof the covenant , the peo- fExo. 24, 8 ; piehad ben fipiinckledwith blood.The holy Ghoft thereby fignifying, how g by g Heb.9,x;, the blood ofChrift muchmore, our c6- 14,22, &c - fciences fhould be purged;and therefore caleth it,the h bloodofthe tetarnent where- hHcb. i o, z9 with we arefanaifled. 8. The precious oynting oyle, i made i exod.3o,2;, ofprincipal' f ices, & called khelie, did ryc' p k verfe 3 z. hallow and fandifie the 1 Tabernacle & l exod.4o9. all therein, the m brazenaltar and all his in verje 1 o. inftruments; thenLaver and his foot;the n ticrle 1 r. o priefts and their garments , on whom it opev 183;5. was P fprinckled, together with theexod.z9;zz blood _A