Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

r¡Pjsr4,?z í.Pfa.19, Io. t Fro. r6,24 Job. 8, 5 I. X 'WS. 1,20. zlob 22,7,8 y114.19,1 a Pfal. io4, 24- 19iCor,r,2! cRom. T220 PAW , z 64 CHAI. VII. r thoufands ofgold and flyer, sfweete alfo then honey or the honey combe, euen fweetnes to the foule t and health to the bones, which if a pian keepe, he lhall never fee death. 2. Three wayes there are whereby God maktth himfelfe knowne unto men: The Ell is by his works ; for the x invifible things of him , thar is , .his e- ternal' power andGodhead,are feene by the creationof the world ; the heauens Y declare his glorie , and the firmament fheweth the workof his hands;t.he beat's if they be asked % will teachman, & the fowles ofthe heauen will tell ;him , the earth will Thew him, and the fifl,es of the fea will declare unto him ; for howma- nifould are the works of God; and a in wifedome hathhe made them all. 3. But becaufe the world by wife- domebknew notGod in this wifdorne of God, ( though it be ynough to makeall men c without excufe : ) it pleated God ofhis grace to bine Lis his word , as a fe- cond and more excellent means of knowledge , by which Word he d bath for it IS able magnified hisname abouti all ;